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2017 print Open: Gold Medal
Judy Stokes, APSNZ
Under the Searing Sun

2017 print Open: Silver Medal
Jean Moulin, EFIAP APSNZ
Architectural Art

2017 print Open: Bronze Medal
Barbara Lee, APSNZ
Sea the Weed

2017 print Open: Honours
Sarah Caldwell, APSNZ
Riding the Metro

Irene Callaghan, APSNZ

Barbara Lee, APSNZ

Michael Molloy, AFIAP
Hectors Dolphin Rare & Beautiful

Jeanette Nee, APSNZ
Harrier Strike

Martin Sanders, LPSNZ
Keeping an Eye on the Neighbours

Robin Short, APSNZ
Snow Storm

2017 print Open: Highly Commended
Robert Beckett, LPSNZ
The Rehersal

Sarah Caldwell, APSNZ
Caught in the Middle

Karin Charteris, AFIAP: APSNZ

Liz Hardley, FPSNZ, LRPS, EFIAP/b
Homage to Dali

Liz Hardley, FPSNZ, LRPS, EFIAP/b
The Raven

Linda Jarrett
The Beach Huts of St James

Tom Wilkinson, APSNZ
Misty Morning

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ

2017 print Open: Acceptance
Sarah Caldwell, APSNZ
Umeda Sky Building

Karin Charteris, AFIAP: APSNZ
How Much Longer

Carolina Dutruel, APSNZ, AFIAP
Inner Bloom

Carolina Dutruel, APSNZ, AFIAP

Carolina Dutruel, APSNZ, AFIAP

Carolina Dutruel, APSNZ, AFIAP

Carolyn Elcock, ANPSNZ
Cyclamen Ballet

Stephanie Handley, APSNZ
Shades of Gray

Liz Hardley, FPSNZ, LRPS, EFIAP/b
Einstein on the Beach

Jill Jackson, APSNZ
Fanciful Leaf & Flower Shoe

Barbara Lee, APSNZ
Safe Passage

Jenny Lovering, LPSNZ
Dandelion Magic

Anna Mandeno
In a sepia light

Anna Mandeno
Duck Calling Duck on the first of May

Jeanette Nee, APSNZ
Regal Raptor

Reg Quinn
New Zealand Dotterel Chick

Windy Hill

Dean Robieson
Keeping an Eye on the Time

Dean Robieson
Red on Red

Bob Scott, LPSNZ
Li River Sunrise

Sue Smith, APSNZ

Anne Thornton
Hida No Sato

Roger Wandless, GMNZIPP

Roger Wandless, GMNZIPP
Sealers Chapel

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ

lynn clayton, Hon.PSNZ,APSNZ, EFIAP, ESFIAP
Snow & Ice