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2012 print Open Monochrome: Gold Medal
Rosemary Morris, APSNZ

2012 print Open Monochrome: Silver Medal
Bret Lucas

2012 print Open Monochrome: Bronze Medal
Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Twins in Boots

2012 print Open Monochrome: Honours
Stephanie Handley, APSNZ
No Title #2

Power Lines
2012 print Open Monochrome: Highly Commended
Mark Berger, APSNZ

Georgie McKie, FPSNZ
Taiko #1

2012 print Open Monochrome: Acceptance
Mark Berger, APSNZ
Balloon Man

Karin Charteris, AFIAP: APSNZ
Battling the Weather

Allan Fleischmann
The Alpha Male

Liz Hardley, FPSNZ, LRPS, EFIAP/b
Shadow Play

Shona Kebble, APSNZ
Almost Sundown

Georgie McKie, FPSNZ
Tunnel Hill

Georgie McKie, FPSNZ
Windshorn #1

Peter Morris, APSNZ, AFIAP

Rosemary Morris, APSNZ

Alistair Morrow
Eye of the Beholder

Alistair Morrow

Doug Moulin, EFIAP/b, FAPS, APSNZ,
Riverton Church

Doug Moulin, EFIAP/b, FAPS, APSNZ,
Waipapa Point Lighthouse

Jean Moulin, EFIAP APSNZ
Tortured Trees

Jeanette Nee, APSNZ
The Musterer

Jeanette Nee, APSNZ
Stepping Out

Phil Thornton
The World's Fastest Indian

Ilan Wittenberg, FNZIPP, FPSNZ
Embryo Twins

lynn clayton, Hon.PSNZ,APSNZ, EFIAP, ESFIAP
Seen Better Days